1.What was your first reaction when you realised you won over R1 Million in our Crazy Time?
I was shocked, I didn’t think it was real. I tried to watch the video afterwards. The thought that I won did not register at that moment.
2.Who was the first person you shared the exciting news with and what was their reaction?
I haven’t told anyone as yet. Once I have come to terms with it, I’ll share the news with my family.
3.What made you place a bet on Crazy Time?
I was playing for a while and I didn’t expect to win.
4.Do you know what you will be doing with your winnings?
No idea as yet, but I know part of it will go towards house renovations and I’ll probably save the rest.
5.What do you think of LottoStar and your overall experience?
It has been good. I have won before, but it wasn’t as big as this. I used those winnings to bet again. I lost it all. The second time when I won I told myself I’m going to be smart about this.
6.Did you ever think you would win the lottery one day?
Definitely not, the chances of me winning a prize or anything doesn’t work. I have very bad luck. Anything that I want I don’t get but anything that I don’t want, I get. This was a shock for me.
7.Will you continue to place bets on our Crazy Time & other lotteries on LottoStar?
Yes, I was actually on there now. Playing the same game.
8.Will you recommend us to your family or friends?