Meet LottoStar’s ‘Fearless Female’ leader!

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Meet LottoStar’s ‘Fearless Female’ leader!

Meet LottoStar’s ‘Fearless Female’ leader!Meet LottoStar’s ‘Fearless Female’ leader!
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15 Nov 2021

A fearless female is a woman that is confident, inspirational and always ready to take on challenges head on. Ayanda MVP, from 947, sat down for an interview with LottoStar’s CEO, Tasoulla Hadjigeorgiou, to discuss what makes her a fearless leader in the male dominated gaming industry.

Please tell Joburg a brief overview of your career.

I started out like any typical Greek girl. I was expected to go to varsity then get married. At first, I thought I wanted to study auditing or accounting but down the line I realised that this is not for me even after doing my articles. I wanted to be in the middle of the action. To my amazement, I ended up in jewellery retail. That was an exciting time in my life but it was hard work. At the tender age of 30, I decided that I’m taking a break. I was presented with an opportunity to join a gaming company, during that time that’s when I met my husband and I was bitten by the gaming bug.

How did the gaming industry entice you as a career?

My husband comes up with ideas and I execute them. Gaining trust from different entities amongst the gaming industry such as the gaming boards, competitors etc. was hard work. For the longest time women weren’t welcome in industries that were male dominated especially the gaming industry. I’m proud to say that there are a lot of women on the rise within the gaming industry now.

You once stated in a magazine that 70% of your colleagues are women.

All my departments are headed up by females except my development department. We are consistently working towards staying ahead of the curve and staying current. At LottoStar, we have 1 rule which is 80% passion and 20% work.

How often do you take time out for yourself to rest and switch off?

Once every 3 months, my husband and I disappear for a week. We don’t completely switch off. When we do have an opportunity, we check emails to catch up and see what’s going on. Since Covid hit, we’ve all fallen into a mundane routine. That’s inspired us to try our best to stay active and healthy.

How did you overcome and survive the challenges that you have faced through the years to get to where you are today?

It’s very challenging. We follow the theory of not giving up when circumstances get tough. For example, if at night we have an influx of players, we all jump in to help the call centre.

In your eyes what is being fearless?

Surviving and being fair. You’ve got to know when to hold them and when to fold them. Also know when to apologise.

If 10-year-old Tasoulla was listening, what would you tell her?

I would tell her to learn how to be more diplomatic.

Would you need a degree to work in your industry?

There is no specific degree to obtain to enter the gaming industry but education is important.

Is there a quote that you use for inspiration?

Try everything once!

In the famous words of Serena Williams, “The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up. Make sure you’re very courageous. Be strong, be extremely kind, and above all be humble.”


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