In the News
What Would You Do with R75 Million?
Winning R75 Million isn’t just life-changing, it’s the kind of payout that turns dreams into reality. From ticking off your luxury list to building a lasting legacy, the possibilities are endless.He...
General News
Major Lotteries
Major Lotteries
Outrageous Purchases Made by Lottery Winners!
Winning a life-changing payout is often seen as the key to a better life, but some winners took a more unique approach to spending their newfound fortune. From fireworks factories to racehorses, these...
24 Feb 2025
Lerato M
Major Lotteries
EuroMillions winner won over 10 years ago and still hasn’t spent all her winnings!
Jane Parks’ dream of winning the lottery came true at age 17. She won £1 Million (almost R23 Million) when her numbers came up in the EuroMillions draw, back in 2013. 10 years later she claims that sh...
20 May 2023
Major Lotteries
EuroMillions winner blew £40m by spending £100K a week
If “I’m here for a good time, not a long time” was a person, it would be Colin Weir. Colin is one of the biggest winners of the EuroMillions draw in UK history. He won a record-breaking £161 Million (...
01 Feb 2023
Major Lotteries
Man’s girlfriend dumps him after hitting the Set For Life jackpot
Will the undying love promises have a lasting effect with your partner, when you have won a massive payout? Jilted man, Kirk Steven got dumped by his live-in girlfriend, Laura, after she won £3.6 Mill...
26 Jan 2023
Major Lotteries
EuroMillions jackpot winner’s break up glow up!
As the cool kids say, “It could have been you but you fumbled the bag”, loosely translated as you could have been living the life but you messed up.An unlucky rugby player, Daniel White, missed out ...
24 Jan 2023
Major Lotteries
Unclaimed Lottery Jackpots
Are you a paranoid player who frantically checks their lottery ticket or bet slip constantly? Or are you a chilled player who places their bets and goes on with their day? If you won a massive payout,...
22 Oct 2022
Major Lotteries
Dad's EuroMillions winnings cause conflict.
Are family members obliged to share their lottery winnings? Is it your life-changing payout or OUR new found fortune?Alex Robertson had his brand new car smashed with a hammer after he decided not t...
21 Oct 2022
Major Lotteries
Winning Mega Millions ticket for $1.28 billion jackpot sold in Illinois
The long streak of the Mega Millions draw without a winner has resulted in Friday’s payout exceeding $1.28 Billion (R21,1 Billion) being scooped by a lucky Illinois, Chicago resident.The holder of t...
17 Aug 2022
Major Lotteries
A £195m EuroMillions winner causes a buzz in the local community!
Imagine winning a payout of £195 Million (R3,9 Billion) - Would you still live a normal life? Retire early? Do you reckon that your neighbours would not suspect a thing?Well, the community of Liverp...
16 Aug 2022